
Friday, March 27, 2009

Freedom to Trade Petition

Dear Friends of Freedom,

Please support this global initiative, “Freedom to Trade,” to promote free trade and fight back against the rising tide of protectionism. This free trade coalition will be formally presented to the media as of 1 April and we’d like this effort to be supported by you. We will demon­strate how much support there is globally for maintaining low trade barriers and reducing them further.

To sign the petition, please visit the following URL: c5vb2l. Please also feel free to post the petition to your websites, blogs, list-servs, etc. The coalition has a fair number of signatures, but would greatly appreciate signatures from our area, and any additional support you are able to drum up. The final list of signatories will be released on 1 April. Visit for more.

Thank you for your consideration and efforts to keep protectionism at bay. Please direct inquiries to

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