王弼 - 獅子山學會行政總監, 信報 ( 理財投資 P.27, 2009.1.21)
反觀一向迷信消費力量、花錢如流水的美國,不由你不信它的銀行業已到了無可救藥的地步。曾傲視全球的過氣最大銀行花旗集團,才於去年11月得到美國財政部、聯邦存款保險公司(FDIC)和聯儲局聯手協助其清理3060億美元的「頭痕」資產(Troubled Assets)。所謂協助清理,其實就是華府為花旗這些資產可能帶來的虧損包了底。又因花旗資本不足,財政部先後注資了450億美元。言猶在耳,正當各人把注意力放在如何挽救美國汽車業,以為金融界經過一輪猛藥急救後情況應穩定下來的時候,花旗於上周又告危殆,先前誓神劈願不用賤賣資產自救,如今又打倒昨日的我,賣掉掌上明珠Smith Barney。
一個花旗還不夠,幾個月前還充當救世主買下Countrywide和美林的美國銀行(Bank of America)又伸手要華府注資200億美元和為其1180億美元的頭痕資產包底。美國財金界各精英如何自信譽有目共睹!可是在地球另一面的香港,當大摩奏起其魔笛預言控會跌至52元時,各財經節目便都以此為題大做文章,指出大摩預言百發百中云云。
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Powers that be fail to learn on education issue
Andrew Shuen - research director, The Lion Rock Institute, (The Standard, P.16 - View Point)
And you want us to have children?
As a 31-year-old male born and raised in Hong Kong, I am at a stage in life and mind where one could say I am seeking to ``settle down.'' Be a family man. Embrace the future with a vote in confidence by securing a partner, who shares my desire to have children.
This yearning, I am sure, is shared by many in my demographic. Yet, great apprehension overrides and hesitation grips. No doubt, there will be some who blame such apprehension on the fickleness of our generation. We grew up in relative prosperity and never seem to want the challenges of great responsibilities, especially one as great as raising a family. As a member of the aforementioned generation, I'm the first to admit that it is indeed because of fickleness that we remain apprehensive.
If the root cause was only as simple as fickleness by nature, I have no grounds for anger. But the fickleness unfortunately stems from forces not in our hands.
All parents when holding their child, though, always dream of greatness, hope at the very least their children will become productive members of society. Hope they would able to take care of themselves and not burden others.
Knowing this, individuals of our generation, especially when courtship begins, are nevertheless without hope.
This is due to a perpetual cloud hanging at the back of our mind, that education, especially the individual-child- ignoring, tortuous education system we have, is not a system which we want to subject any children, let alone our own.
We know that unless there are sufficient economic resources to guarantee a choice for our children to escape wholesale the entire universal education system, we will choose not to have children. Yet, we are a generation who experienced throughout our working life, one financial crisis after another. And from this experience, we know we cannot guarantee such economic resources for choice over the decades-long span of a child's education.
On Thursday, the Legislative Council's panel of education heard the wider community's response to the so-called fine tuning of mother-tongue education.
We have seen the results of government experimenting on our children, and we don't like it. This time, it's a change that took a decade to correct the poor decision made earlier by the government, but what other whim and crude actions will our children be subjected to next? We at the Lion Rock Institute have only these demands.
First, free the supply. Return the decision of how each and every child will be educated to the frontline educators. All Hong Kong schools' freedom in operations, hiring and firing should be raised to the level of international schools so that parents who cannot foresee decade-long economic stability can still be confident of bringing life to this world.
Then free the demand. The funding of education should solely be based upon the choice of parents. If a school and a child becomes a pair, let not artificial geographic boundaries, government social engineering, teacher union-vested interest or so-called education-expert opinions get in the way.
Taking these actions will end the anger not only caused by the lack of hope but also by the hypocrisy of education in Hong Kong. How can the politicians and bureaucrats that decide our children's fate say with a straight face that what they designed is the ``best'' when they speak with their actions by sending their children to international schools or abroad, therefore unwilling to subject their own offspring to the monstrosity of their own creation?
Please, all we want is to have children, with confidence.
And you want us to have children?
As a 31-year-old male born and raised in Hong Kong, I am at a stage in life and mind where one could say I am seeking to ``settle down.'' Be a family man. Embrace the future with a vote in confidence by securing a partner, who shares my desire to have children.
This yearning, I am sure, is shared by many in my demographic. Yet, great apprehension overrides and hesitation grips. No doubt, there will be some who blame such apprehension on the fickleness of our generation. We grew up in relative prosperity and never seem to want the challenges of great responsibilities, especially one as great as raising a family. As a member of the aforementioned generation, I'm the first to admit that it is indeed because of fickleness that we remain apprehensive.
If the root cause was only as simple as fickleness by nature, I have no grounds for anger. But the fickleness unfortunately stems from forces not in our hands.
All parents when holding their child, though, always dream of greatness, hope at the very least their children will become productive members of society. Hope they would able to take care of themselves and not burden others.
Knowing this, individuals of our generation, especially when courtship begins, are nevertheless without hope.
This is due to a perpetual cloud hanging at the back of our mind, that education, especially the individual-child- ignoring, tortuous education system we have, is not a system which we want to subject any children, let alone our own.
We know that unless there are sufficient economic resources to guarantee a choice for our children to escape wholesale the entire universal education system, we will choose not to have children. Yet, we are a generation who experienced throughout our working life, one financial crisis after another. And from this experience, we know we cannot guarantee such economic resources for choice over the decades-long span of a child's education.
On Thursday, the Legislative Council's panel of education heard the wider community's response to the so-called fine tuning of mother-tongue education.
We have seen the results of government experimenting on our children, and we don't like it. This time, it's a change that took a decade to correct the poor decision made earlier by the government, but what other whim and crude actions will our children be subjected to next? We at the Lion Rock Institute have only these demands.
First, free the supply. Return the decision of how each and every child will be educated to the frontline educators. All Hong Kong schools' freedom in operations, hiring and firing should be raised to the level of international schools so that parents who cannot foresee decade-long economic stability can still be confident of bringing life to this world.
Then free the demand. The funding of education should solely be based upon the choice of parents. If a school and a child becomes a pair, let not artificial geographic boundaries, government social engineering, teacher union-vested interest or so-called education-expert opinions get in the way.
Taking these actions will end the anger not only caused by the lack of hope but also by the hypocrisy of education in Hong Kong. How can the politicians and bureaucrats that decide our children's fate say with a straight face that what they designed is the ``best'' when they speak with their actions by sending their children to international schools or abroad, therefore unwilling to subject their own offspring to the monstrosity of their own creation?
Please, all we want is to have children, with confidence.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
以學券創新天 各施各法救學子
何民傑 - 獅子山學會政策研究員, 信報 ( 理財投資 P.33 , 2009.1.14 )
早在1779年,著名學者阿當.史密斯(Adam Smith)就提出,家長是決定孩子接受怎麼樣教育的最佳人選,在1869年的佛蒙特州(Vermont)和1873年的緬因州(Maine),已經推行過有學券形式的「鎮付學費」(town tuitioning)計劃。而諾貝爾經濟學獎得主佛利民(Milton Friedman)在1955年發表的〈政府在教育中的作用〉一文,開啟了現代學券近幾十年的探索和發展。
早在1779年,著名學者阿當.史密斯(Adam Smith)就提出,家長是決定孩子接受怎麼樣教育的最佳人選,在1869年的佛蒙特州(Vermont)和1873年的緬因州(Maine),已經推行過有學券形式的「鎮付學費」(town tuitioning)計劃。而諾貝爾經濟學獎得主佛利民(Milton Friedman)在1955年發表的〈政府在教育中的作用〉一文,開啟了現代學券近幾十年的探索和發展。
Monday, January 5, 2009
李兆富 - 獅子山學會創辦人 , 信報 (經濟企管 p.27, 2009.1.5)
事實上,自金融海嘯發生後,民眾對財金界的反感,支持延長董事禁止買賣期的一方,就算不用提出任何理由,已經可以獲得社會普遍支持。港交所官僚聯同前港交所董事David Webb以及一眾進步派政客(Progressives)如公民黨,將延長董事禁止買賣期定性為保障散戶之義舉,其提倡之平權主張在情感上亦佔領了輿論和道德的制高點。
其實,只要有市場,就必然有其運作成本,也就是制度經濟學派所指的交易成本(Transaction Cost),例如資訊成本、合約成本等。理想主義者卻總希望透過人為手段,完完全全地消弭交易成本的存在,建立絕對完美的烏托邦。人類文明的進程中,各種制度自然自發的出現,例如合約法制度、貨幣等,也的確有效地將制度成本降低,釋放生產力,也帶動文明的躍進。然而,我們更要明白,這些基本的制度的出現,並非一時三刻的政令改變能夠造就得來。更多的時候,人為的主觀願望,在執行時因為種種原因帶來的偏差,最終甚至可能構成完全在意想之外的反效果,也就是海耶克教授提出的Unintended Consequences。
站在宏觀的角度看,糾纏於技術安排的骨節眼上,是只見樹木不見森林。今次延長董事禁止買賣期事件,反映了一件不爭的事實︰在當下的金融監管框架下,被受政策保護獨市壟斷的港交所,只會引來尋租者(Rent Seekers),以及因為要平息尋租行為而帶來的政治爭端。此時此刻,最值得反思的重大問題是︰金融業在可見的將來仍然是香港的經濟支柱,由獨市壟斷的港交所來主宰一切,風險又會否太大呢?我們應否將香港的經濟命脈,交託在政治爭端之中呢?
事實上,自金融海嘯發生後,民眾對財金界的反感,支持延長董事禁止買賣期的一方,就算不用提出任何理由,已經可以獲得社會普遍支持。港交所官僚聯同前港交所董事David Webb以及一眾進步派政客(Progressives)如公民黨,將延長董事禁止買賣期定性為保障散戶之義舉,其提倡之平權主張在情感上亦佔領了輿論和道德的制高點。
其實,只要有市場,就必然有其運作成本,也就是制度經濟學派所指的交易成本(Transaction Cost),例如資訊成本、合約成本等。理想主義者卻總希望透過人為手段,完完全全地消弭交易成本的存在,建立絕對完美的烏托邦。人類文明的進程中,各種制度自然自發的出現,例如合約法制度、貨幣等,也的確有效地將制度成本降低,釋放生產力,也帶動文明的躍進。然而,我們更要明白,這些基本的制度的出現,並非一時三刻的政令改變能夠造就得來。更多的時候,人為的主觀願望,在執行時因為種種原因帶來的偏差,最終甚至可能構成完全在意想之外的反效果,也就是海耶克教授提出的Unintended Consequences。
站在宏觀的角度看,糾纏於技術安排的骨節眼上,是只見樹木不見森林。今次延長董事禁止買賣期事件,反映了一件不爭的事實︰在當下的金融監管框架下,被受政策保護獨市壟斷的港交所,只會引來尋租者(Rent Seekers),以及因為要平息尋租行為而帶來的政治爭端。此時此刻,最值得反思的重大問題是︰金融業在可見的將來仍然是香港的經濟支柱,由獨市壟斷的港交所來主宰一切,風險又會否太大呢?我們應否將香港的經濟命脈,交託在政治爭端之中呢?
Friday, January 2, 2009
Weak link between shop rents and prices
Wong Kin-ming is an associate scholar at The Lion Rock Institute , SCMP(Insight~A9, Other Voice 2009.1.2)
Hong Kong's retail sector has been hard hit by the economic slowdown. Property agents anticipate rents will continue to fall, and some individual landlords have acted quickly, slashing charges by more than 20 per cent.
Meanwhile, The Link Reit bucked the market trend by raising rents in its markets and malls, drawing criticism from politicians. Although the Legislative Council voted down the motion on a government buy-back of The Link's units, calls to use public money to re-nationalise The Link are unlikely to subside.
Politicians believe such rent rises will hurt tenants' interests and, more importantly, lead to increases in the price of goods, adversely affecting people's livelihood.
The notion that tenants will transfer the cost of a rent increase to the customers sounds reasonable. But let's not overlook what the recent Director of Audit's report said about the management of public markets. It said that, for various reasons including filling long-term vacancies, some rents of public wet market stalls are now only 1 per cent to 5 per cent of the going rate. Thus, there could be a huge difference in rent between stalls selling similar goods in the same market.
However, there is no big price difference for the same goods in those markets. If price is determined by the rent level, why don't stallholders enjoying concessions sell their goods cheaper?
Such a phenomenon has been explained by David Ricardo (1772-1823) in his Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, when he said: Corn is not high because a rent is paid, but a rent is paid because corn is high.
Apply that to The Link or public markets and it means that the price of goods determines rent, instead of the reverse. Rents are determined by demand for those properties, and is an income derived from them. Charging rent below market rates will not affect the price of goods.
The Director of Audit's report also talks about the provision of recreation and sports services, in particular the three-month free-admission scheme to leisure facilities launched by the government to support the Beijing Olympics. The report pointed out that bookings increased significantly under the scheme, but 40 per cent of the booked sessions were not used.
Did the scheme benefit users? People who successfully made a booking did benefit, as they had nothing to lose by not showing up. But those willing to pay to use the facilities, who were unable to book due to increased demand, lost out.
The logic that low rents benefit shop tenants is the same principle. Only certain tenants will benefit from low rents created by political pressure, such as those who enjoy priority in lease renewal; are familiar with the complicated application procedures; have special connections; or are simply lucky enough to secure a tenancy.
Do not be mistaken, I am not defending The Link's decision to raise rents in a faltering economy. We should just think hard about whether it would be right to use public money to buy back or subsidise malls and markets.
Hong Kong's retail sector has been hard hit by the economic slowdown. Property agents anticipate rents will continue to fall, and some individual landlords have acted quickly, slashing charges by more than 20 per cent.
Meanwhile, The Link Reit bucked the market trend by raising rents in its markets and malls, drawing criticism from politicians. Although the Legislative Council voted down the motion on a government buy-back of The Link's units, calls to use public money to re-nationalise The Link are unlikely to subside.
Politicians believe such rent rises will hurt tenants' interests and, more importantly, lead to increases in the price of goods, adversely affecting people's livelihood.
The notion that tenants will transfer the cost of a rent increase to the customers sounds reasonable. But let's not overlook what the recent Director of Audit's report said about the management of public markets. It said that, for various reasons including filling long-term vacancies, some rents of public wet market stalls are now only 1 per cent to 5 per cent of the going rate. Thus, there could be a huge difference in rent between stalls selling similar goods in the same market.
However, there is no big price difference for the same goods in those markets. If price is determined by the rent level, why don't stallholders enjoying concessions sell their goods cheaper?
Such a phenomenon has been explained by David Ricardo (1772-1823) in his Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, when he said: Corn is not high because a rent is paid, but a rent is paid because corn is high.
Apply that to The Link or public markets and it means that the price of goods determines rent, instead of the reverse. Rents are determined by demand for those properties, and is an income derived from them. Charging rent below market rates will not affect the price of goods.
The Director of Audit's report also talks about the provision of recreation and sports services, in particular the three-month free-admission scheme to leisure facilities launched by the government to support the Beijing Olympics. The report pointed out that bookings increased significantly under the scheme, but 40 per cent of the booked sessions were not used.
Did the scheme benefit users? People who successfully made a booking did benefit, as they had nothing to lose by not showing up. But those willing to pay to use the facilities, who were unable to book due to increased demand, lost out.
The logic that low rents benefit shop tenants is the same principle. Only certain tenants will benefit from low rents created by political pressure, such as those who enjoy priority in lease renewal; are familiar with the complicated application procedures; have special connections; or are simply lucky enough to secure a tenancy.
Do not be mistaken, I am not defending The Link's decision to raise rents in a faltering economy. We should just think hard about whether it would be right to use public money to buy back or subsidise malls and markets.
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