
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How do you spend $6000?

People are already talking about how to spend the handout. There's no going back now, handouts have become the norm and will be expected...What can the Gov do now but keep on giving? If the politicians just held out a bit longer, perhaps the public could have got a bit more given how spineless this is looking. The massive redistribution of wealth will be covered later, but you have to be amazed at how quickly this turn around was!

Are they so worried about protests? And, how long will 6K make Hong Kong people happy for, before they start noticing the same problems getting worse? By the looks of today's facebook and twitter posts, people are very happy and have forgotten how ill-conceived this has been from the very beginning.

All focus on happiness on future prospects and spending so far (until the technicalities of dishing out the 6K is met) except for the small group of non-residents who I hear are thinking about staging protests until they get $6K too.
Some want to take vacations, and already there are some groups dedicated to charity,!/home.php?sk=group_193789920643573&notif_t=group_added_to_group 

(LRI wants to add you can also donate it to the Institute - now there's a thought )

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