
Monday, March 28, 2011

Agora I/O Conference

This past weekend, Agora I/O: The Agorist Unconference was broadcasted. Check it out. and for the back vids,
"About Page" blurb:
"There are lots of conferences in the liberty world, but none operate according to the free market libertarian anarchist principles of agorism. Until now! Agora I/O is a new un conference where you'll find the greatest people, ideas and tools for advancing the stateless society. You don't want to miss this, and you don’t have to! Agora I/O is exclusively online, so you can participate from anywhere an internet signal reaches."

Speakers: James Babb, Cat Bleish, John Bush, Josh Carter, Gary Chartier, John
Connolly, James Cox, Michael W. Dean, David Derby, George Donnelly,
Zaira Dynia, Karen Emery, Pete Eyre, Nick Ford, Ian Freeman, Patri
Friedman, Carla Gericke, Thad Getterman, Allison Gibbs, Gil Guillory,
Eric Johnson, Debbie Harbeson, J. Kent Hastings, Ron Helwig, Scott
Horton, Steve Horwitz, Iloilo Jones, Tomasz Kaye, Angela Keaton, Neil
Kiernan, Peter G. Klein, Stacy Litz, Tarrin Lupo, Tennyson McCalla,
Kirk McNeil, Carlos Miller, Stefan Molyneux, Momma Ally, Carol Moore,
Corey Moore, Mookie Moss, Stephanie Murphy, Nina Paley, William
Pearson, Drew Phillips, Lawrence Reed, Pasha Roberts, Larken Rose,
Mary Ruwart, Michael Salvi, Nick Saorsa, Shane Sheid, Michael
Shanklin, Steve Scheetz, J. Neil Schulman, Sovereign Curtis, Brad
Spangler, Niki Staehle, Marc Stevens, Jason Talley, Mark Thomas, James
Tuttle, Alex Wied, Lance Weber, Jason Wohlfahrt, Darian Worden and
Jeffrey P. Zacher

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